11.05.2015, 11:05
Zitat:Original von Schnucke
Kabel von Spule demontiert:
Plus Spule zu Minus Spule: ca. 0,8 Ohm
Plus Spule zu Anschluß Zündkabel: unendlich Ohm
Minus Spule zu Anschluß Zündkabel: unendlich Ohm
Ich nehme mal an, dass die Spule defekt ist, liege ich da richtig?
IMHO ja. Sekundärspule durchgebrannt.
Michael St*****
Beware the fisherman who is casting out his line into a dried up River bed.
Don't try to tell him 'cos he won't believe you.
Throw some bread to the Ducks instead, it's easier that way.
(Tony Banks from Genesis)
Michael St*****
Beware the fisherman who is casting out his line into a dried up River bed.
Don't try to tell him 'cos he won't believe you.
Throw some bread to the Ducks instead, it's easier that way.
(Tony Banks from Genesis)