17.05.2003, 20:42
Hier die Antwort aus dem Crossfireforum:
Yes, it's plug and play. If you have an 84 ECM w/ auto prom (for 84) it is eassy. The 82 prom does not work in the 84 ECM. The 84 ECM will improve idle and off idle response.
Also plug and play. Musst nur den Automatik-Chip aus der 84er haben!
Yes, it's plug and play. If you have an 84 ECM w/ auto prom (for 84) it is eassy. The 82 prom does not work in the 84 ECM. The 84 ECM will improve idle and off idle response.
Also plug and play. Musst nur den Automatik-Chip aus der 84er haben!
18. Intern. Corvette-Club Pfingsttreffen vom 06.06.-09.06.2025 in Suhl.