hab Dir die Beschreibungen aus dem Service Manual für das Einstellen des Anpreßdrucks
der Scheibe in der Dichtung sowie des Einstellens der Scheibenhöhe kopiert. Damit habe ich die Windgeräusche auf ein Minimum reduziert. Ist zwar in Englisch und ich bin zu faul das zu übersetzen

, hoffe es hilft trotzdem
Window Tip-In Adjustment - Door
Tools Required
#6 Inverted TORX® Socket
Position the window fully up.
Remove the large access plug from under the front of the door.
Loosen the window regulator front channel mounting nut.
Remove the reflector from the trim panel
Loosen the jack screw jam nut.
Adjust tip in with the jack screw.
Turn the jack screw clockwise to tip the window outward.
Turn the jack screw counterclockwise to tip the window inward.
One turn of the screw equals approximately 1 N·m (0.04 in) change at the top of the window.
Tighten the jack screw jam nut.
Lower the window.
Tighten the window regulator channel front mounting nut.
Raise the window and check the alignment.
Install the access plug under the front of the door.
Install the reflector in the door trim panel.
Window Height Adjustment - Door Minor
Use this procedure when window height is off less than 3 mm (0.12 in).
Open the door and remove the small front access plug and the rear access plug from the underside of the door.
Adjust the front and the rear window regulator jack screws equally.
Close the door and check the window alignment.
Open the door and install the access plugs.