Vorab, ist wohl wieder son Verbrecherpack am Werk, denke ich mal. 
Die C6 wurde heute für 20000 Euro beim AUTOHAUS STEINBERGER unter Mobile.de angeboten.(20000km top Zustand) Komplettes Gebrauchtwagen Listing ist nun gelöscht, waren aber vor einigen Stunden noch sehr viele Fahrzeuge dort gelistet.
Da der maßgebliche Verkäufer eigentlich nur über eine Transport Firma in England, wo das Auto sich befindet, abwickeln wollte und ich das Auto lieber in Person sehen will, habe ich ihm kurzerhand 7000 Euro mehr geboten.
Schaut euch folgenden email Schriftverkehr an, evt. habt ihr noch gute Ideen dem Hinterteil das Leben ein wenig schwerer zu gestalten...
Soweit:(von unten nach oben lesen)

Die C6 wurde heute für 20000 Euro beim AUTOHAUS STEINBERGER unter Mobile.de angeboten.(20000km top Zustand) Komplettes Gebrauchtwagen Listing ist nun gelöscht, waren aber vor einigen Stunden noch sehr viele Fahrzeuge dort gelistet.
Da der maßgebliche Verkäufer eigentlich nur über eine Transport Firma in England, wo das Auto sich befindet, abwickeln wollte und ich das Auto lieber in Person sehen will, habe ich ihm kurzerhand 7000 Euro mehr geboten.
Schaut euch folgenden email Schriftverkehr an, evt. habt ihr noch gute Ideen dem Hinterteil das Leben ein wenig schwerer zu gestalten...
Soweit:(von unten nach oben lesen)
YES we can do, George! As a good friend of mine once said.
Ok, here's the deal.
I come to England where the car is located and check out the vehicle's history with all the necessary paperwork e.g. vehicle is not stolen, no accident damage, any registration transfers and if it has any outstanding finance on it - with the relevant authorities.
After the technical check and test drive with my German friend who travels with me, I will hand over the €27000.00 in exchange of the C6 and all correct paper work manifested in a contract drafted in English and German by a lawyer.
Again, please let me know your contact details and I'll be in touch with you in person.
Also, could you kindly advise of any good but not to expensive hotel in the area? I believe it could take several days to finalise the transaction in proper manner.
----- Original Message -----
From: George Powell
Sent: Sunday, February 01, 2009 10:42 PM
Subject: Re: Corvette C6 - Eur 20000
It's a very good offer.
How we can do?
--- On Sun, 2/1/09, GMXwrote:
From: GMX
Subject: Re: Corvette C6 - Eur 20000
To: georgepowell0@yahoo.com
Date: Sunday, February 1, 2009, 11:06 AM
This procedure sounds very complicated to me and could be handled with much more ease for both of us!
I am prepared to offer you €7000.00 (Seven thousand Euro) more than asking price, that equals a total of 27000.00 Euro of my hard earned cash for the C6 at pick up location in person. I am sure you understand my point of view, I have to check it out myself, especially when purchases of such tremendous amounts are involved.
I am sure the extra €7000.00 will cover for your expenses and cancellation fees.
Let me know what you think about this offer.
----- Original Message -----
From: George Powell
Sent: Sunday, February 01, 2009 9:26 PM
Subject: Re: Corvette C6 - Eur 20000
I already signed a contract with "https://rdbtrans.web.officelive.com" and I paid all the taxes and I have no interested in loosing that kind of money.The car is ready to be shipped to any location.This is the only way and my only condition in this transaction.
Terms of the Transaction:
Here is how I want to go about delivery and payment for the car which will be through
"https://rdbtrans.web.officelive.com" and will also give you the chance to inspect the car before I receive the payment for it.I will explain to you step by step how this will work.
1)First you have to send me your shipping information (your name and address).
2)After I receive your shipping info, I'll go to at "https://rdbtrans.web.officelive.com" and leave the car into your name and with your address as the intended receiver.
3)"https://rdbtrans.web.officelive.com" will check the car ,also the legal papers to see that everything is OK with it.
4)You will receive a notification from "https://rdbtrans.web.officelive.com" as a confirmation that the car is in their custody and also,that the car has been tested.
5)After that, you will have to make deposit payment on the "https://rdbtrans.web.officelive.com" Departament and address , as a guarantee, and send the payment information to "https://rdbtrans.web.officelive.com" .
( you must send a deposit of 20% first and rest of the money 80% after you will receive the car)
6)"https://rdbtrans.web.officelive.com" will verify the payment, and if everything is in order, they will deliver the car to your door step.
7)After you will receive the car and you will be completely satisfied with it, you will instruct "https://rdbtrans.web.officelive.com" with your decision. You have 10 days to inspect it and take a decision.
If you don't keep it,they will refund back your deposit amount.
8)If by any reason, you will not be satisfied with the car, you will return the car to "https://rdbtrans.web.officelive.com" with no expense.I will not have any details of payment because they are confidentials.
Let me know if we can do this.
The money will be sent to Shipping Company before you will receive the car and not to me. I repeat they will keep your money until you receive the car and the documents of the car. You will have an inspection period of 10 days. In this time you can check, test and inspect the car. An RDB Transport agent will be there to help you to register the car. If by any reason (the car has any hidden damage or it isn't like i describe it) you can reject the deal. In this case Shipping Company will refund you totally and they will ship the car back on MY cost.
The car was verified by the Shipping Company qualified automotive technician and the car have passed all the test with no problems.
--- On Sun, 2/1/09, GMXwrote:
From: GMX
Subject: Re: Corvette C6 - Eur 20000
To: georgepowell0@yahoo.com
Date: Sunday, February 1, 2009, 8:57 AM
Hi George,
For sure I'm interested to purchase this baby for €20k.
I'll travel to England next week or when ever convenient to you to seal the deal with euros in cash!
Then I would drive the car back home via France, yehaa.
Please let me know your address, best day and time to meet so we can finalize the transaction.
Best Regards,
----- Original Message -----
From: George Powell
To: chevy92@gmx.de
Sent: Sunday, February 01, 2009 5:28 PM
Subject: Re: Corvette C6 - Eur 20000
The vehicle is in good condition, has no technical damage at all, no scratches or dents, no hidden defects. It has title of ownership, cleared of any obligations or fees and comes with all the documents you need to register it.You will not have to pay additional taxes for this.
It's my personal car.I've listed the car under AutoPark so I can sell it faster, but it's my personal car.
I have worked in Germany for the last 2 years and I've purchased the car there. My company wanted me back home, so currently I'm in England (UK). I've brought the car home with me and it's now located in England.
I'm trying to sell it at this price because I don `t use it anymore (the steering wheel is on left side and it' very difficult for me to drive it), it `s a pity to keep such a car and not to use it. It's listed in Germany because when i have posted the car on the website I had to use a German address.
I tried to sell the car in UK, but nobody want`s to buy a left side steering wheel car.
My car is already at the "https://rdbtrans.web.officelive.com" at their local representant.(i paid this company to take care about transaction).
We can have a deal if you are really interested to buy it.
The price is correct and it's not negotiable and it also includes the transport.
Please write me back to discuss only if you are interested because I am tired of people that ask questions and are not interested at all.
wenn unfalldfrei kaufe ich das fahrzeug!