10.06.2011, 03:02
Es gibt das PDE-Package neu - aber das ist doch lt. 2012 Ordering Guide nur:
NEW! ZR1 High Performance Package, includes (RUV) Black
cup style lightweight 19" front and 20" rear wheels, (XFH)
Michelin PS CUP tires and (MH3) 6-speed close-ratio manual
transmission; Black painted full width spoiler* replaces standard
1 - NOTE: Tires are designed for ultimate dry warm weather
performance and have reduced tread wear rating.
*In anderen Informationen von GM ist auch von "full width racing style spoiler" die Rede.
Was immer das auch heißen mag?! Nen Flügel vielleicht? Zu sehen gab es davon bisher aber noch nix.
NEW! ZR1 High Performance Package, includes (RUV) Black
cup style lightweight 19" front and 20" rear wheels, (XFH)
Michelin PS CUP tires and (MH3) 6-speed close-ratio manual
transmission; Black painted full width spoiler* replaces standard
1 - NOTE: Tires are designed for ultimate dry warm weather
performance and have reduced tread wear rating.
*In anderen Informationen von GM ist auch von "full width racing style spoiler" die Rede.
Was immer das auch heißen mag?! Nen Flügel vielleicht? Zu sehen gab es davon bisher aber noch nix.