07.04.2007, 22:26
Könnte es dieses Problem gewesen sein?
Zitat: An annoyance with our test car was an intermittent axle lubricant leak. Several times during our test, upon exiting the vehicle, we smelt that sulfur stink of gear oil on the exhaust. The second time this happened, we rolled the car into the shop, got it up on jackstands and inspected the rear axle. There were signs of leakage on the left side of the case, the rear spring and the suspension crossmember, but we couldn't find the source. Later, in talking with a Corvette service technician, we learned the problem is oil blown out the vent and is common with cars which get driven aggressively such that the lube gets hot. The easly solution, according to our source, is to run the fluid level about an 1/8-in. below the filler. A better solution might be a remoted-mounted vent (typical of some GM four-wheel drive trucks) at the end of a hose, a little distance away from and a bit higher than the trans. It's unfortunate GM couldn't address this during the eight years of C5 production.
Bei DKMS wird erklärt, wie man mit etwas Spucke auf einem Wattestab oder einem kleinen Piekser Leben retten kann. Interesse ein Lebensretter zu werden? Alles was man braucht ist etwas Mut und Herz