ATI Supercharger | Wer kann mir das Teil einbauen ?
Hi Wessi

Hast du übrigens deine zurückliegenden Probleme mit 3.42-er GETRAG und 3500-er Torque Converter (Programming und Codes) bereits lösen können ? Haben nichts mehr gehört ?

BTW, zur Information / Bestätigung:

=> wenn SUPERCHARGER (Kompressor) für die C5, dann ATI PROCHARGER SUPERCHARGER (zB from THE LAPD, kennst du ja bereits => 5*****-Sterne Lieferant). Dieses Setup ist dem MAGNUSON-System technisch überlegen (gem. meinen zuverlässigen Infos von Freunden aus USA, die beide Systeme in ihren C5 haben), sowohl auf dem Prüfstand, als auch unter "real-Life"-Conditions. LINGENFELTER hat auch grundlos überhöhte Preise für seinen Favoriten MAGNUSON.

=> weshalb? ATI = INTERCOOLER mit wesentlich besserem internem Wirkunsgrad und solideren Komponenten. Daher Netto-Leistungsausbeute höher, verbunden mit höherer Lebensdauer der Komponenten. Stichwort: Alltags-Tauglichkeit !!

Viel Spass bei deinen weiteren Schritten Richtung VIPER - Terrain !

[Bild: 1672_56890604.gif]

New Intercooled Procharger Systems for LS1 Corvettes Now Available 535 Horsepower 100% Complete, 3 Year Warranty Coolest charge air temperatures of any LS1 forced induction system. Largest, most reliable performance gains available with pump gas. Easiest forced induction system to install on the C5. Substantially better value than any other LS1 performance option. The 1997-2001 LS1 Corvette HO Intercooled System is 100% Complete, and Includes: P-1SC-1 Procharger, with polished finish and polished brackets standard Twin highflow air-to-air intercooler system Power Programmer Eight 38 lb./hr fuel injectors Everything needed for a complete, OEM quality installation The industry leading new intercooled supercharger system creates 535 horsepower at 7psi of highly efficient intercooled boost. The self contained P-1SC-1 ProCharger and twin highflow intercooler system together produce the coolest charge air temps and greatest reliable power gains as well as largest hp gains per pound of boost. In addition to the standard 7 psi pulley, a 5 psi pulley (which produces 490 hp) is also available. The system is 100% complete including a customized power programmer for computer modifications and a set of 38 lb/hr fuel injectors. This system is also upgradeable to even higher power levels as both the P-1SC-1 and twin highflow intercooler system are capable of supporting in excess of 750 horsepower. For this with highly modified engines and/or wishing to do custom tuning, the Intercooled Serpentine Race Kit includes the D-1SC ProCharger and excludes the power programming and fuel injectors, but is otherwise identical to the HO Intercooled system. Your C5 VIN # is needed for ATI to custom program a power programmer for your individual C5's HO Intercooled System. If you choose the ATI C5 HO Intercooled system, please take the time to make sure that the VIN # you enter in is accurate or the custom power programmer from ATI will not work. NO VIN # is needed for the Intercooled Serpentine Race Kit as a power programmer is not included in that package

Joe. Hallo
[Bild: dic.gif] ----- [Bild: avatar12sec.gif]
DYNO :410HP/CSHP 552Nm/CSTQ Best 1/4Mile : 12.35@113.6mph
Mods : Intake--Exhaust--Ignition--Cooling--PCM/SW

Nachrichten in diesem Thema
Kompressor - von DiDi - 24.06.2002, 20:44
[Kein Betreff] - von Jochen - 25.06.2002, 12:19
[Kein Betreff] - von Corvette-1111 - 26.06.2002, 21:27
Danke - von Wessi - 27.06.2002, 09:14
Aufgeladene C5 (Kompressor) - von SwissVette_Joe - 27.06.2002, 13:02
huhu JOE!!! - von Wessi - 27.06.2002, 13:19
C5 mit Lader - von SwissVette_Joe - 27.06.2002, 13:52
[Kein Betreff] - von Wessi - 27.06.2002, 14:00
RE: - von SwissVette_Joe - 27.06.2002, 14:06
RE: RE: - von SwissVette_Joe - 28.06.2002, 15:02
Joe - von Wessi - 28.06.2002, 15:12
RE: Joe - von SwissVette_Joe - 28.06.2002, 15:20
Joe... - von Wessi - 28.06.2002, 15:24
RE: Joe... - von SwissVette_Joe - 28.06.2002, 15:40

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