New C7z51 member here

Sorry, I speak only English (well, 2 other languages, but no german).

I just moved back to Germany and I brought with me a brand new C7z51 (LB, 2lt, 7spd). When I lived in Germany before, I owned C6Z06 (JSB, with a few mods).

Besides introducing myself, I have a few questions for members here. Unfortunately I don't have ability to search (due to me not knowing german).

My first question: what do I do with my US spec navigation? Has anyone been able to convert a US spec into Euro spec?

2nd: What oil are you guys running? US says 5w30 and 15w50 for track days. Considering high speeds on the autobahns, I'm steering towards 15w50. one time when I was playing with my friend in his GTR and 991 turbo S, after few autobahn pulls my oil temp went to red.

3rd: transmission overheating. This is quite saddening. On my trip from Frankfurt to Kaiserslautern, at speed of about 250km/h (150-160), my tranny temp started to go up towards red. I had to slow down to 150km/h so it wouldn't go into red zone. Even then the temp didn't go down, but at least it didn't go any further in red. . Anyone else have this problem? how to solve it.

all the heating issues are also present at the nurburgring. I can only do about one lap. I do take off my front plate holder when i'm at the ring.

4th. Converting to Euro spec. Anyone have experience with that? I am not sure how long i'll keep the car, so thinking of selling to the locals.

5th. What are the popular modifications here in Europe? I was thinking of doing exhaust manifolds porting, but still contemplating on that.

6th. What is the top speed for this car? I have read in a few places that it should be 305 km/h. The first time I tried it (on a straight road, 25c outside) I was only able to get to 290 km/h, and the car wouldn't go any faster. I tried it twice. Car only had about 1500 miles on it at the time. Last weekend I did get the car to 303km/h, but it was going down hill.... So, what is the actual top speed for this? It's quite sad that it's so low, my old E90 m3 was able to do 300... my old z06 did over 320km/h. (with that being said, z06 was just sooo much fast at any speeds).

7th. is there a large corvette gathering tomorrow in stutgard?

thank you!
c7 z51
Welcome back to Germany.

First of all, what's your name? It' s easier to talk to each other when you know the name.
It's o.k. when you don't speak german, a lot of us will understand you.

I only can answer you question 7 .
There is a nice meeting in Böblingen at the motorworld. Böblingen is near Stuttgart, going down the A81.
my name is ilya.

what time is the meeting?
c7 z51
hi ilya,
are you the guy with the blue C7, driving around K-Town? Yeeah! Yeeah!

[Bild: 21086623ga.jpg]
Official Top speed for the normal C7 is 290km/h not 305km/h.

And yes your older C6Z06 should be much faster. On a straight line anyways.
welcome back to 'schland and enjoy your stay! Prost!

[Bild: sig100sty2x.jpg]
Zitat:Original von euroc7z51
My first question: what do I do with my US spec navigation? Has anyone been able to convert a US spec into Euro spec?

Hi Ilya,

a worm welcome to corvetteforum from me.

Werner Moll is able to convert your navigation to Euro standard.

Best regards

[Bild: sig_edgar.jpg]
Zitat:Original von US-Stingray-Fahrer
hi ilya,
are you the guy with the blue C7, driving around K-Town? Yeeah! Yeeah!

yes that is me :) are you the guy with the red one around ktown?

I have seen a red one (I think it's a euro spec, but converted from American), I've seen a black convertible c7, and a yellow c7. I was also told there is another blue one with KL plates roaming around.

We should do a meeting!
c7 z51
Zitat:Original von Maseratimerlin
Zitat:Original von euroc7z51
My first question: what do I do with my US spec navigation? Has anyone been able to convert a US spec into Euro spec?

Hi Ilya,

a worm welcome to corvetteforum from me.

Werner Moll is able to convert your navigation to Euro standard.

Best regards


cool, thanks! I wrote them an email.
c7 z51
Zitat:Original von Firemaker
Official Top speed for the normal C7 is 290km/h not 305km/h.

And yes your older C6Z06 should be much faster. On a straight line anyways.

I've had mine at 302km/h so far.
c7 z51

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