08.07.2019, 15:00
(Dieser Beitrag wurde zuletzt bearbeitet: 08.07.2019, 15:04 von Power-Valve.)
(08.07.2019, 14:46)canus schrieb: ...Abschaltung über die Kabel...
Ich muss das nicht haben, im Zweifel bimmelt es ja nur 5 mal und danach blinkt nur noch dies kleine Laempchen, aber hier die Aufloesung:
Aus dem US Forum:
"Here is the solution to no warning chime or red light. The seat belt switch closes when the seat belt tongue is inserted. It connects the TN/WH wire to the Pink wire. So simply unplug the connector coming from the seat belt buckle (female) that goes under the seat, and jumper the two contacts together of the mating connector under the seat-you can use a paper clip. Voila-no chime and no red warning light!
This plug can be found by pushing the seat fully foward and raising the back end of the seat up. You will see a smooth black wire coming together for a small 2 wire plug. You will know you got the right one as there are two wires-one tan/white and one pink on the drivers side. On side passenger side, same deal but one wire is Orange and the other wire is again Pink. Not easy access but can be done. Separate the female plug from the male using a small tip screwdriver."
Now clarification from me. He's mostly right, but omitted a few things. First, you must unbolt the seat at all four corners and lift it up and put it on its side. You can't lift it out of the car because there are connections all over the place, but it will lift and turn sideways in its place. From the belt buckle you'll see two sets of wires come out. One set is hard wired into a bunch of other stuff. Ignore that set. The other set goes to the small harness that is held on a rail by a little bracket. Slide the harness off the bracket and open it up. Use some kind of jumper on the large end (the end that goes back to the ECM, not the side that goes to the buckle). The wires being jumped are the tan/white and pink mentioned above. I think my car was just white (no tan). Tape the two disconnected cords together so that in the future you will know to reconnect these should you choose to do so. The passenger side is identical except for the wire colors which are orange and pink. I should add, I have a C6 Z06. Your model/year may be different but this is the idea.
...Kannst natuerlich auch einen Schalter einbauen...
Gruss Uwe
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