06.05.2015, 14:17
Zitat:Original von scmike
Grob gesagt, die Mutter ist ungefähr M12 nur das Gewinde ist deutlich feiner.
Das dürfte dann also wahrscheinlich 1/2" sein.
7/16" 11,1mm UNC: 14/Zoll, UNF 20/Zoll, UNEF 28/Zoll
1/2" 12,7mm UNC: 13/Zoll, UNF 20/Zoll, UNEF 28/Zoll
M12 12mm 1,75mm Steigung (~14,5/Zoll) ==> UNF oder gar UNEF
Michael St*****
Beware the fisherman who is casting out his line into a dried up River bed.
Don't try to tell him 'cos he won't believe you.
Throw some bread to the Ducks instead, it's easier that way.
(Tony Banks from Genesis)
Michael St*****
Beware the fisherman who is casting out his line into a dried up River bed.
Don't try to tell him 'cos he won't believe you.
Throw some bread to the Ducks instead, it's easier that way.
(Tony Banks from Genesis)