Stahlblattfederinfo , interessant

Info von Eaton über die Blattfedern unserer Vetten, gefunden im US Forum.

Es gibt also 3 verschiedene Stahlblattfedern. 7 Blatt und 2 verschiedene 9 Blattfedern.
Interessant finde ich die doch grossen Unterschiede zwischen der 7 und 9 Blattfeder.
Da ich 7 Blatt fahre, frage ich moch doch, wie weich der Hintern einer 9 Blattvette wohl ist.

Der US THread geht im Prinziep darum, warum neue 9 Blattfedern dicker sind als Originale.

The most popular rear leaf springs used were 2 different versions of a 9 leaf springs and a 7 leaf spring. A 10 leaf spring was used very sparingly. But we will not talk about it.

The diferences between the springs were their rates. The down and dirty description of rate is it is the amount of weight required to deflect a spring one inch. The higher the rate, the stiffer the spring.

The 7 leaf spring has a rate of 305lbs.

The 9 leaf spring which all 9 leaves are curved has a rate of 196lbs.

The 9 leaf spring which the 1st 6 leaves are curved and the shortest 3 leaves are straight is a 2 stage or variable rate spring. It's rate starts at 140lbs and increases to 196lbs when all the leaves are touching.

The loads they were designed to carry are all pretty much the same.

The 7 leaf has a design load of 1,325 lbs. Both 9 leaf springs have a design load of 1,360 lbs.

All 3 springs are designed to have a 3/8 reverse arch when at their design load.

In order to accomplish the same spring height when under load with the spring having different spring rates, the free arch of each spring is different.

The free arch of the 7 leaf spring is 5-7/8 inches. The 9 leaf spring is 7-1/2 inches and the 6/3 spring is 8-11/16 inches.

The correct way to measure the free arch is for the spring to be off the vehicle. Place a straight edge across the ends of the spring and measure down to the main plate next to the centerbolt.

Whle we use the correct type of steel, SAE 5160 High Alloy Spring Steel, the thickness's have been adjusted to sizes the steel mills now produce. Way back when the mills would produce quantities as low as 5 tons of a size. Today 22 tons is the bare minimum of one size they will produce. And that is a lot of Corvette springs.

While the overall thickness of the springs have slightly increased, the fit, feel and performance of the springs are unchanged. However the free arches have been lowered form the original factory specs in order to maintain stock ride height.

mfG. Günther
early 1968 L71 tri-power big block convertible.
GM-T56 Viper 6 speed manual , 4.11 rear.
HOOKER chrome side pipes. Long L88 hood.
Tires front 235 rear 255 on 8x15 real wire spoke rims
You can't beat short stroke displacement . besoffen
sorry, falsch ge-edited.
early 1968 L71 tri-power big block convertible.
GM-T56 Viper 6 speed manual , 4.11 rear.
HOOKER chrome side pipes. Long L88 hood.
Tires front 235 rear 255 on 8x15 real wire spoke rims
You can't beat short stroke displacement . besoffen

Möglicherweise verwandte Themen...
Thema Verfasser Antworten Ansichten Letzter Beitrag
  Auspuffeintragungen werden interessant Micha993 22 4.932 28.02.2012, 23:51
Letzter Beitrag: mad_mike
Question Interessant für techn. Allg.-Wissen rund um's Kfz Wolle 12 4.099 27.08.2003, 22:13
Letzter Beitrag: TheHotThunder

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