Power-steering fluid .. need help !!
Hi guys,
Can someone tell me what kind of power steering fluid C6 takes?
I'm in poland and no one seems to know, visited Chevrolet / Opel dealer and they don't know either.
Is this regular Dexron II or III fluid ? Or is this something synthetic ?
Please help :-(( ... it's such a nice day outside, but I can't drive my baby due to this fluid ... thanks so much !!
2005 Corvette C6 Z-51 6MN
Millenium Yellow / Black
Pioneer Avic D3 + Rear Camera + iPod
Powdercoated brake calipers RED
Chromies + BF Goodrich KDW2 285/30-19

2005 Infiniti FX35 AWD
Sport/ Tech/ Entertainment/ iPod/ Chromies/ Nittos 420s
I've filled up my C5 steering fluid with automatic transmission fluid from Valvoline.

I think it's the same with the Corvette C6.
Each kind of automatic transmission fluid should match.
Thank you so much for the info.
In case someone will need this info in the future. I just found out from the CF.com (US) that the Prestone power steering is mineral based oil of clear color that fits our Corvettes perfectly and is easy to get here in europe at almost every gas station.
Good luck y'all!!
2005 Corvette C6 Z-51 6MN
Millenium Yellow / Black
Pioneer Avic D3 + Rear Camera + iPod
Powdercoated brake calipers RED
Chromies + BF Goodrich KDW2 285/30-19

2005 Infiniti FX35 AWD
Sport/ Tech/ Entertainment/ iPod/ Chromies/ Nittos 420s

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