Visiting Bremen for a couple of days.
Hi all,

I will be visiting Bremen for a few days with my wife towards the end of the month as we are going to see Passenger in concert.

I just wondered if any of you guys could let me know of some good places to visit as well as good places to eat.

I will be trying to learn a few more phrases (I learnt German for about six months when I was 14 ) as I find it always helps to at least try to speak the language.

Appreciate any help or ideas!

Vielen Dank!

send me your adress and i´ll send you Information from the Tourist Information.
I work almost next door to it.

Then i will give you some idea where to go and visit the real places.

Only i have to know, when you will arrive and how long you will be in town.


P.S. Eating will be more than enough at the river WESER at the "Schlachte-Area" !

18. Intern. Corvette-Club Pfingsttreffen vom 06.06.-09.06.2025 in Suhl.
Zitat:Original von fsahm

send me your adress and i´ll send you Information from the Tourist Information.
I work almost next door to it.

Then i will give you some idea where to go and visit the real places.

Only i have to know, when you will arrive and how long you will be in town.


P.S. Eating will be more than enough at the river WESER at the "Schlachte-Area" !


Thanks for the reply. I will PM you my email address, did you want my postal address as well?

We are only in town for a couple of days. Arrive early on Monday 29th June and leave late on Wednesday 1st July.
Any tips for getting around? Unfortunately we wont have the 'Vette so I'm guessing the tram would be a good option.
Will google the Weser and Schlachte-Area. Feixen

If you are around when we come, perhaps I could buy you a beer? Trinken
Good morning.

Bremen has a Tram- and Bussystem, that will bring you to all the places.
But the scenery places you are looking for, are right in the city, too.
They can be easy reached by feet.

I´ll send you some information and you might decide, what you like to see.


18. Intern. Corvette-Club Pfingsttreffen vom 06.06.-09.06.2025 in Suhl.

Information and maps arrived this morning! you are a star.

Looking forward to buying you a beer and a slice of Schneemustorte! Prost!
The "Schneemustorte" will go on me!
You pay for the coffee. Feixen


18. Intern. Corvette-Club Pfingsttreffen vom 06.06.-09.06.2025 in Suhl.
Zitat:Original von fsahm
The "Schneemustorte" will go on me!
You pay for the coffee. Feixen


Well we had a fabulous few days in Bremen. A stunning city and friendly people. Met up with Friedel ( fsahm ) for some Schneemustorte, a coffee and a chat. Thanks for taking the time to meet up with us!

Next time we go to Bremen we will stay a bit longer and visit a few more places.

glad, that you did enjoy it. See you next year.


18. Intern. Corvette-Club Pfingsttreffen vom 06.06.-09.06.2025 in Suhl.
Well Paul if you have time enough during your next stay in Bremen, just take the chance to see Bremerhaven as well. It is not an appendix of Bremen as many guys may think Feixen It is one of the best places in Germany to find good fish restaurants , as well as nice spots like the maritime museum and other good places to be.

Let me know about your traveling plan and drop me a line in advance. Pick up Friedel and let´s have a perfect day. A good draft German beer is always ready for guests in my house.

Hope to see you


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