Visiting Bremen for a couple of days.
Zitat:Original von fsahm

glad, that you did enjoy it. See you next year.



Zitat:Original von Seapilot
Well Paul if you have time enough during your next stay in Bremen, just take the chance to see Bremerhaven as well. It is not an appendix of Bremen as many guys may think Feixen It is one of the best places in Germany to find good fish restaurants , as well as nice spots like the maritime museum and other good places to be.

Let me know about your traveling plan and drop me a line in advance. Pick up Friedel and let´s have a perfect day. A good draft German beer is always ready for guests in my house.

Hope to see you


Sounds fantastic Knut!, thanks for the offer.
Will see what we can sort out.

Möglicherweise verwandte Themen...
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  Classic Days mit der Corvette 4. - 6. August 2023 maseratimerlin 56 21.482 07.08.2023, 17:43
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  Corvette & Camaro Int. Friedship Days 20-21.05.2023 fsahm 21 13.537 23.05.2023, 09:58
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  Bremen Classic Motorshow 2023 Vette 57 13 6.414 06.02.2023, 18:13
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