26.09.2004, 23:11
Hab am 17. August folgendes e-mail auf meine Anfage bekommen:
Hi Daniela,
The meet will be held January 19-22, 2005 at the "Old Town" entertainment complex in Kissimmee (Orlando), Florida.
It's hosted by our NCRS Florida Chapter. Their website should have complete schedules and registration info.
The site is
You should also join the NCRS- you'll greatly enjoy membership! We even have a United Kingdom Chapter.
See you in January!
Eric Mortimer
Phone (513) 385-8526 or (513) 385-6367
24 Hour Fax (513) 385-8554
National Corvette Restorers Society
6291 Day Road
Cincinnati, OH 45252-1334
Hi Daniela,
The meet will be held January 19-22, 2005 at the "Old Town" entertainment complex in Kissimmee (Orlando), Florida.
It's hosted by our NCRS Florida Chapter. Their website should have complete schedules and registration info.
The site is
You should also join the NCRS- you'll greatly enjoy membership! We even have a United Kingdom Chapter.
See you in January!
Eric Mortimer
Phone (513) 385-8526 or (513) 385-6367
24 Hour Fax (513) 385-8554
National Corvette Restorers Society
6291 Day Road
Cincinnati, OH 45252-1334
Save the Wave
Save the Wave